Monday, September 14, 2009

One of those Days.....

So, this weekend I was having one of those days. I woke up in a bad mood both Saturday and Sunday. Now, I wasn't in a bad mood with everyone just one person in particular. Yep, you guessed it- Josh. I know, poor Josh had to put up with one of my crazy mood swings, nothing could please me, if he spoke I cried days. And on top of all of that, it wasn't just one day; it was Saturday AND Sunday. By Sunday evening we were much better (being in God's house probably helped). I hate when I'm like that. I never realize when I'm in the midst of a crazy lady day just how ridiculous I'm being, but after a few days when I look back I can see how silly I was. I have to ask Josh for forgiveness and do you know how much I hate that???? I never thought I'd have to ask him to forgive me, but we were in this marriage class the first few years of our marriage and the teacher said that we occassionally have to ask each other for forgiveness. I could ask anyone else to forgive me, but there is something about asking your spouse to forgive you. It's tough!!! Have you ever been there? Lately, my desire to have children has increased 100%. Initially, I just felt like we'll wait on God and see how things go. I can't even get three months into this whole trying to get pregnant thing before I'm like some crazy lady who desperately wants a baby. Now, each month when we find out we're not pregnant I feel devastated yet there's a little bit of relief. It's weird how I want a baby so badly, but then I'm a little relieved when I'm not pregnant. I know, I said earlier that I was a bit crazy:) Anyway, I start thinking about all that will change when we have a baby. We will never be the same. I know that with children come many blessings and I'm so excited and anticipating the day when we have a child, but at the same time I wonder if I'm really ready. What if Josh and I are sucky parents, what if we totally ruin our child, will I feel differently about Josh and will he feel differently about me? I get so fussy when I don't get enough sleep, will I be a wreck with a brand new baby??? There are so many questions!

1 comment:

  1. You are going to be such an amazing mom! I know the feelings that you are experiencing, I feel the same way all the time! But I need to remember that God is calling us to be parents and He is going to be there to guide us, even when we mess up! Because we will! What an amazing responsibility! It will happen soon, just at the right time :)
