Friday, January 29, 2010

Redeeming Love

Have any of you read this book? It is amazing!! It's a book about a beautiful girl (Angel), who from a child, has a rough life. Her father is a man married to another women, other than her mother. Her mother ends up in prostitution and so does Angel. Michael Hosea sees her and God tells him that she's the woman for him to marry. I know he never thought he'd marry a prostitute. The book is about their lives, and their struggles and how God speaks to them. At one point in the book Angel leaves Michael and he prays and prays for her. God was teaching him about faith. I know this book is a sort of Christian Romance book, but that chapter where Michael was struggling with faith really spoke to me. I know Michael wanted to go after Angel, but God wanted Michael to trust Him. Michael wanted Angel to be there with him, but he knew that God was going to do something wonderful in Angel's life that otherwise would not have happened had she stayed with Michael.

This week has been a rough week with faith. There are some days where I have great faith, even bigger than a mustard seed. Then there are other days where I can't even find faith like dust (I'm not sure what is smaller than a mustard seed, but you get the idea). I've been praying for some very specific, very big things to happen this year. I know I serve a big God and He can do anything, even things that seem impossible. The hard part is not interfering with what He wants to do. I like to be in control, I like to be prepared and have a plan. Sometimes God wants to get me out of my box and experiment with new things like trying His plan instead of mine. The things I'm praying for this year are things that I have no control over. I can't force financial blessing on Josh's career, I can't force healthy pregnancies to happen for my cousin, my co-worker and myself. I know that God is really teaching me so many things right now. I had felt like everything was great, I loved the Lord, my family, and my husband. It seems like just when you start to feel comfortable, just when things are going great, God goes and stretches me. I know it's something that has to be done and I know I'll trust and love Him more at the end of this. The stretching just hurts sometimes, it's uncomfortable and sometimes I just want it to be over.

So if any of you are going through "stretching" please know you're not alone and it gets better. There are going to be bad days, but just think of the results at the end. It's like working out. I go to the gym just about every day and although I don't like it, I like the way I feel when I'm done. When I don't go I feel guilty and not strong. It's a love/hate thing:)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ode to 1099s and W-2s

Oh, how I dislike thee so.......

It's that time of year again. I used to love the first of the year because it was when I could file my taxes and get a little bonus money, however it's bitter sweet now. I still love the "bonus" the government gives back to me, but I so hate doing 1099s and dealing with issues regarding W-2s.

It's a pain going through all of the payables for the year and determining what is and what isn't "1099-able". I must admit that I enjoy my job and I'm grateful for it. My boss and the girl I work with are great people!

Next time you have to deal with someone who prepares either of these government documents for you, please please be kind. They are working hard and are just as frustrated as you are (most of the time anyway).

Oh and by the way, please keep my co-worker in your prayers over these next few weeks. She's going through the IVF process. It's been a long time coming and I'm praying that they have a healthy baby this year:)

Monday, January 4, 2010

A year in review and here's to a new year......

Well, 2009 has been quite eventful to say the least. We purchased a house this year, we took a trip to Texas and Josh got to meet my "Texas Family". We made some wonderful friends at our church, then our friends moved away. It was very sad for Josh and I, but at the same time it was exciting to see the new paths God was preparing for our friends. We also experienced a miscarriage in 2009. While this was a terrible thing to go through, I really feel like God is showing us every day how to move past the sadness. This is not to say that I'm never sad or that I never feel depressed, but I have come to see God in a different way through the sadness. He brought me through an incredibly difficult time and helped me to recover emotionally and physically. Josh and I have grown closer to each other and our families this year.

To start the new year we are doing a 21 day fast at our church. Last year I gave up sweets and overall it was pretty easy. I still had cravings, but it wasn't something I couldn't handle. This year I wanted to make sure that this fast was something that would "cost" me something. I wanted it to be a challenge, though not quite as challenging as the Daniel Fast. I decided to give up all sugar, other than fruits, and caffeine and soda. I'm also waking up 20 minutes earlier so I can spend that time in prayer without any distractions. I normally pray while I'm doing my hair/makeup and in the car, but these 20 minutes are completely devoted to my Lord:) I do have to pray that He'll help me to stay awake:) I'm believing for a few things this year; these are my top 5 requests, though I have many more. I'm starting the year off right by fasting and letting God know what I'm believing Him for this year. He has already been so good to us, and I'm excited to see the exceeding and abundant blessing.

1. I want to know the Lord in a completely new way, I want to know His voice better
than ever, I want to walk in His will wholeheartedly.
2. A completely whole, healthy, and happy baby for Josh and I, for my cousin and his wife, and for my co-worker.
3. Financial blessing for Josh in his career.
4. Provision for me to be a stay-at-home-mom.
5. Salvation for our unsaved family members.

Here's to another year, I pray that all who read this are encouraged and blessed. God is so good!