Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We did it!!

Well, it's official. Josh and I are going to have a baby!! There's a great story that I have to tell to go with this wonderful news.

We went over to our friends' house the end of September for a birthday party. My friend Tracey and I were chatting and she told me that she had a dream about me. When someone says that it definitely has you wondering. I had no idea what she was about to say. She said that she had a dream and saw me crying in a baby's room. When she said that my heart sank because I didn't know what that meant. Then Tracey asked me if Josh and I were trying to have a baby. We hadn't told anyone that we were trying (or not not trying), so this was absolutely a God thing. I told her that we sort of were. She then said to me something I will never forget, "I just want you to know that God hears you and He will give you the desires of your heart". I went home that night and just cried because I was so grateful to know that God hears me. When someone says something like that to you, it's the best feeling in the world. I know that God hears me all the time, but for someone to know the situation I was in and to have the boldness to tell me is simply awesome! No one has ever told me something like that before. I knew this was genuine.

When I first went off the pill I thought I'd get pregnant right away, but that didn't happen. Each month I wasn't pregnant was a little devastating even though we weren't "trying". I finally took matters into my own hands and bought a basal thermometer and I was going to monitor my temp. to see when I was ovulating. I took my temp. the first day then I thought, we're going to have a baby when God says we are. Keeping track of my temp. isn't going to help anything. I released everything to God that morning. It was a great feeling! That same month, the month of releasing, the month I received the message from God (via Tracey), we got pregnant!

I went to the doctor last Friday and they did some blood work and my progesterone was a little low so they prescribed a supplement. I was a wreck when they told me this. The fear of miscarriage has been in the back of my mind since we got pregnant. I have to keep telling myself to take captive EVERY thought. Even as I write this and share my testimony, I know that God is good and he has blessed us with the sweet little pumpkin of a baby. I know He will provide and keep the baby and I healthy and safe. I've been telling everyone that will listen my story. We are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony!


  1. God has it all under control! I know that fear all to well, but I just had to keep reminding myself... He has it all in hand! We are so happy for you and praying God's peace over your pregnancy!

  2. Amen Rachel. God absolutely has everything under His control. He's pretty cool like that. Awesome! Congratulations again!! Praying for you too!

  3. I found your blog through a blog we both follow, and am so glad I got to read your wonderful news. Pregnancy and parenthood is such an amazing journey, you will love it!

    So funny that you got PG after "letting go, letting God". Same EXACT thing happened to me-- and now I have a beautiful 13-month-old daughter!

