Monday, June 22, 2009

Feeling a little down today:(

So today, I'm feeling just not myself, maybe a bit depressed. Have any of you out there ever felt like God has left you? I know He hasn't, but sometimes I feel like it. Last October my husband and I left our previous church to start attending a new church. We love our new church and all of the people, but I have just one little problem. Josh my husband wants to work with the youth, he's been asked a few times by one of the youth pastors. I just don't have that desire, I don't feel the passion to work with the youth. I know that if I do it, I'll be bitter about it and the kids don't deserve that. I guess I kind of feel like I'm at a different place in life. I'd like to be more involved in the praise and worship ministry. I'm not sure what I want to do, I'll have to think on that. There are new things that I want US to do TOGETHER. Maybe that's the problem, it's what I want and maybe not what God wants. When we were at our old church we were very involved with the youth group and I kinda felt the passion dwindling away toward the end. I just want Josh and I to be involved in an area where we both can be a blessing to others and do it together.

Our pastor recently did a series on your spiritual pulse- purpose. Does anyone out there know their purpose? I know that my purpose is to some day be a blessing to my children, but since they are not here yet, what is my purpose?

We are both involved with the praise and worship team, which is nice because most times we're scheduled to be on at the same time. Josh is also involved with cleaning once a month and I bake once or twice a month for the cafe. As soon as Josh mentioned working with the youth, this panic comes over me. I know that youth ministry can be consuming and Josh is not good at saying no. I guess I have to come to the place where I trust that God will help Josh to see when it's too much. Being a supportive wife is so hard sometimes. Especially when you feel bitter, angry, and dare I say jealous.

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