Friday, December 18, 2009

It's Almost Christmas

So, I'm very excited about Christmas. It is my favorite holiday and not just because there are presents, although I love presents:) I love the smells of Christmas, the baking of Christmas, spending time with family and time away from work. I'm most of all excited because my grandparents are coming to visit tomorrow. They are going to be here for 3 weeks and I just love that they are going to be here. I know they are in their 80s and so they are don't want to do as much stuff as we do but I love that they are coming to town. I know Josh isn't as excited as I am because we end up spending most of the time that they are here at my parent's house and he gets bored easily. We're going to make tamales when the grandparents get here and my grandma will make my favorite cake (vanilla wafer cake) and my not so favorite cake (fruit cake). I know, it seems to always revolve around food but you can't help that at Christmas time:)

This Christmas I've come to realize that I love my family more than I have ever loved them before. I know that going through a difficult time can bring everyone closer together. I pray every morning before I go to work and as I was praying this morning I found myself thanking the Lord for my wonderful husband. Now, I try to pray the Matthew 6:9-13 way (Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.....), but sometimes that's hard. I get a ahead of myself and start thanking in the beginning and asking for stuff right away. I know He hears our prayers no matter how we pray, but I try to pray the way He said to. Anyway, I know that this Christmas I love my husband more than I ever thought I would when we got married. He is the only man that could put up with me, other than God:) Out of all the men on the earth, God blessed me with Josh.

When we first started dating I knew in the back of my mind that he would be the one, but I didn't let myself actively think about that. He says he knew right away that he could see us spending forever together. Our romance was a whirlwind romance. We started dating in November and we got married the following July. That whole year preceding the November when we started dating, I had prayed that this would be the year that I would meet my soul mate and future husband. I had even told God that I didn't have to know he was the one by the end of the year, I just wanted to meet him and know that he was out there. I remember letting the dog out every night and looking up at the sky and praying that prayer. Of course I had to wait until almost the end of the year to meet Josh, but I prayed it every night and I reminded God that the year was coming to end:) The situation for us to start dating was all wrong. When we started liking each other and talking on the phone he was dating someone else and she was not a Christian. I remember one phone call, and I just knew that he was going to ask me if he should break up with his girlfriend. I told him that I couldn't answer that question. Of course my answer was to break up with her, but I couldn't tell him that. He ended up breaking up with her on a Wednesday and that next Monday we were together. I so did not want to be the re-bound girl, but I was. I also did not want to be the first one to say I love you, but I was. I thought my parents would be skeptical of our quick moving romance, but they weren't. They were so happy when he asked for my hand in marriage:)

Now here we are 3 1/2 years later. I thought I loved Josh so much back when we were dating, but I love him so much more now. I'm more in love with him than I ever thought I'd be. We've become accustomed to having in-laws, lived with a crazy roommate, had some crazy "heated arguments", lived in 3 different apartments, bought a car, bought a house, and shared so many wonderful experiences together. Josh has become a wonderful spiritual leader, he is there to support me, he has become more loving and he is not a very "touchy" person, I can see the growth in his relationship with Christ and that's probably most important. I know it's only going to get better and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

Love ya sweet thang!

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