Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mother-In-Law Weekend

So, this weekend Josh was working since they were having a big sale at Lexus. For Mother's Day we gave my mother-in-law a pedicure. I told her we would go together the Saturday after Mother's Day. I called her Saturday morning and arranged it all. She asked if I minded that we do some other running around while we were out. I went to her house and we did the pedicures first. On the way there, she asked me if I remembered giving her a gift card for a manicure/pedicure for her birthday last year. I had told Josh the day before that I bet she hadn't used it. And indeed, she still had the gift card, so she used it for her pedicure and I took her to lunch for her Mother's Day gift. After the pedicures, which she loved by the way, we went to lunch at Mimi's and then to the mall to get my father-in-law some new shoes for his birthday. All in all, the day went really well. Her and I have never ever spent so much time together and alone at that. I must admit that we don't have the same taste, so it's a little difficult when she asks if I like something that she really likes and I just don't. I hope this is the beginning of the bitter feelings being over. I hate feeling like I don't like people, especially when they haven't really done any wrong against me they're just different people.
On a baby note, Josh and I had decided a month or so ago that this month would be my last month of the pill and we would start trying for the baby starting next week. Well, we bought a house (or are in the process of buying a house) last week. Now he's having some doubts about trying for the baby. So many people say that if you're waiting until your financially ready to have a baby, you never will. I want more than anything to be a stay-at-home-mom and right now, I know we couldn't do it. But I believe God has placed that desire in me and when He placed that desire in me He had to make a way for it to come to pass. Now that we're buying a house, it seems even more of an impossibility but I serve a God that can do the impossible. So, I have an appointment with the gyn. in two weeks and we decided to wait until I get the all clear from her to go ahead and start the baby making process. I guess it's a compromise, one more month. I think it will work out ok, since then we'll be married for almost exactly 3 years.

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